made for all plant types
100% certified organic
improves soil structure
frog friendly
pet & child friendly
bee & butterfly kind
reef safe
made with love in Australia

Earthfood is life, naturally better.

By adding our Australian-made Earthfood to your soil, billions of live microbes lock in carbon and atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and unlock the nutrients from the soil. It improves plant health and vigour and increase yields up to 40%.

Our botanical, 100% certified organic secret process has been scientifically tested and proven with results. With zero negative impact on plants, lawns and soils, it eliminates the risk of soil compaction, acidification and nitrogen runoff into our waterways.


Be part of the global solution in soil regeneration and preservation.

We’re committed to giving back to nature and helping rebuild the natural environment. 

Earthfood is for all gardens and gardeners…


Earthfood on the farm.

Earthfood living microbes are made in a controlled temperature and environment with a process that suspends the microbes (put to sleep) and as a result the microbes can be sent anywhere in the world, surviving over 10 years in the bottle and remain perfectly happy. Then we add water, wake them up, using water as the ‘vehicle’ to take them to their home in a cellulose cell or soil particle. Microbes will die in 36 to 48 hours but Earthfood’s remain alive and happy  because of our unique patented process.

Bronwyn Holm, Founder + Owner, Your Earthfood

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